100% of your donations go directly to our grassroots community efforts.

We are incredibly grateful for your generosity, commitment, and compassion. We always spend our own money on our travels to the program sites, mailings, photos - that's what enables us to bring your contribution to the people who need it most. Click the button to donate via PayPal; if you would like to send us a check, please contact us for instructions.

A small group of thoughtful people can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.
— Margaret Meade

Looking ahead

We plan to continue sending funds to Los Martincitos and Reach South Africa preschools, where we are certain that your donations will be put to very good use. And requested items will be donated to Casa Hogar Orphanage. We wish you could see the children enjoying learning in their new schools and the smiles, hugs and kisses given to us by the elders each time we visit. 

We plan to return to Peru and South Africa in the coming years - please let us know if you'd like to join us!

Kind words from past fellow travelers

Perspective—that’s what I gained from my time in Peru, and especially the time I spent helping at Los Martincitos. From the first hugs and kisses on the cheek when we arrived to the similar embraces when we left, I could tell that the love and affection these elders felt for us, and for one another was heartfelt and genuine. There is joy and love and grace and dignity here below the surface of abject poverty, aging, and poor health.
— Sarah Nelson Hill from Bellevue, WA

What is so remarkable about the Los Martincitos program in the efficiency of operation. Nothing is wasted. It operates on a small budget and a simple philosophy of trying to help the elderly, the poor, and the abandoned by providing, above all, love. At Los Martincitos, there is a true feeling of love and compassion which is palpable and so radiant in the smiles and embraces of those receiving help and love, as well as those giving it. These people, in spite of having next to nothing, remind me that the human spirit of optimism and love is all pervasive. One receives more love and kindness from them than one gives.
— Thomas Hope, MD from South Gouldsboro, Maine
It isn’t until we see certain things of this vast world with our own eyes that we realize how much is yet to be done, how a little thing that is so easy to give such as kindness is capable of having a strong impact and go a long way. Los Martincitos do their best to take care of a large group of elders, some which have next to nothing and have been left to fend for themselves on the streets. They cover basic hygiene needs, give them shelter, warm meals, supply them with needed items like wheelchairs, walkers, and canes so that they have an easier time moving around. And what is most important…gentle human contact. They have people who are willing to help them out, listen to them, hold their hand when needed. Even a nice big and warm hug can go a long way!
— Sarah Hope Luna, 25 year old dentist from Spain