Supporting those in the greatest of need since 2006

Generations for Global Giving is a non-profit organization founded in 2006 by Eileen & Howard Putter after spending October 2005 volunteering in Lima, Peru.  Howard worked in two Lima hospitals doing Orthopedics while Eileen spent each day at Los Martincitos, a program serving 100 of the poorest Andean elders who have been abandoned by their families.

Los Martincitos is located in Villa El Salvador, a shantytown about a half hour outside of Lima, with a population of 800,000 people.  This non-profit, grassroots program provides food, minimal healthcare, community & survival to those whom society has forgotten.  Each elder lives on less than $1 per day.  The program spends $0.50 a day to feed each elder. The staff of Los Martincitos is incredibly dedicated, compassionate, and loyal to the elders and the program.

Howard & Eileen had never experienced poverty at that level and were amazed at despite their struggles, the elders are still remarkably loving and resilient.  Each day they were greeted with a hug and kiss from every elder in attendance.  They simply could not leave this program without providing some ongoing support for these elders, which is why Generations for Global Giving was created.

Orphanage Girls.JPG

The Children of Casa Hogar Orphanage

In 2013 after another visit to Peru, Howard & Eileen spent time at Casa Hogar Orphanage, a newly established facility that provides care for 20 emotionally-challenged children ranging from age 5 to age 12.  They knew they had to help these children and were fortunate that their donor base had grown to a place where they could add a second organization.

Their first fundraiser for Casa Hogar Orphanage was to transform the dirt field into a turf field that their children could use all year round.

Howard & Eileen travel back to Peru every two to three years to ensure all donations are being maximized.  Donors are encouraged to join them on these trips, and many have already joined them.

Converted Shipping Container Becomes a Hard Working Classroom

And most recently, in 2018 we added the Reach for South Africa program, which is creating early childhood education programs (pre-schools) in a very poor, rural area in South Africa. Shipping containers are modified to become classrooms, providing an early learning program to children of the Xhosa tribe. The containers’ interiors and exteriors are painted with bright colors, supplies for the school year are provided, and members of the tribe are being trained to be the teachers.   From start to finish these preschools cost about $18,000 each and the current goal is to complete nine preschools, and to be an example to what could be possible throughout South Africa.  In January 2023 five preschools were completed and each school is presently educating 30 children who never had this opportunity before. 

Generations for Global Giving began in 2006 and our goal has always been to include all ages of the life cycle in our giving. Having both Los Martincitos program (elders) and Reach for South Africa program (young children) currently included in our giving program allows us to acheive that goal. However, the need for more funding for both programs has grown over the years. 

We like to stress that 100% of contributions are tax-deductible(we are a 501c3), with no money going to administrative costs, since we are all volunteers. This is very unusual for non-profit organizations, however, we are committed to continuing this policy. Thank-you for your interest in Generations for Global Giving, and for supporting our efforts to help those in the greatest need around the world.

Recently Built Preschool in the Eastern Cape Region of South Africa


By contributing to Generations for Global Giving, 100% of your tax deductible donation will be used to sustain the programs and and support those in such dire need.


  Please contact us if you have any questions or would like any further information on ways you can provide support.


Those We Serve

The Peruvian Elders at Los Martincitos

$0.50 per Day Provides Meals and Companionship for Elders in Need

Preschoolers of Reach South Africa

Donations Support the Creation of Schools from Converted Shipping Containers

Casa Hogar Orphanage

Donations Support Orphaned Peruvian Children in Need